During his official visit to the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Suljo Mustafić paid a visit to the Consulate of Montenegro…
Žalna knjiga v spomin na pokojnega podpredsednika črnogorskega parlamenta in nekdanjega predsednika Vlade Črne gore Željka Šturanovića bo odprta v Veleposlaništvu…
The Municipality of Ljubljana received a statue of Njegoš, a gift of the Honorary Consul of Montenegro in the Republic…
During his official bilateral visit to the Republic of Slovenia on 9th October 2013, Mr. Igor Lukšić the Deputy Prime…
On 13th December 2012 in Prešeren Kranj Theatre, a multimedia programme ”Richness of Diversity” was presented by the Center for…
The 19th Exponto International Performing Arts Festival took place in Ljubljana from 14th to 23rd September 2012. This year’s theme…