23 – March 24, 2018
The Prime Minister of Montenegro Mr Duško Marković was on a two day official visit to Slovenia. He took this opportunity to meet the Slovenian Prime Minister dr.Miro Cerar.
The two prime ministers primarily talked about the enhancement of economic relations and the exchange of goods between Slovenia and Montenegro. Both sides confirmed excellent relations without any unresolved political issues between the two countries. The Prime Minister of Montenegro thanked the Republic of Slovenia for providing political and technical assistance to help Montenegro on the path of Euro-Atlantic integration.

Predsednik vlade, ki opravlja tekoce posle, Miro Cerar se je srecal s crnogorskim kolegom Duskom Markovicem.
Slovenian Prime Minister dr.Miro Cerar emphasized that Slovenia would continue to support Montenegro in its attempts through a bilateral technical aid framework as well as EU-funded projects.
Upon the official visit of the high representatives from Montenegro Mr Vojislav Kovač, Honorary Consul of Montenegro to the Republic of Slovenia attended an official dinner at Vila Bled.

Predsednik vlade, ki opravlja tekoce posle, Miro Cerar se je srecal s crnogorskim kolegom Duskom Markovicem.
On March 24, the honorary consul, accompanied by the Montenegrin and Slovenian prime ministers, witnessed the Ski Jumping World Cup Finals in Planica.